A product of Switchlanes

About Landfix

... Housing Made Easy

Land fix investment is a real estate crowdfunding initiative by Switchlanes Investment Ltd that allows investors to invest in real estate and earn returns of up to 60% in cash while the capital invested remains intact.

You enjoy High Returns Low Risk Competitive, Returns on investment Liquidity At Maturity

Professional Investment Management with Low startup and subscription fees Generates passive Income with Financial Freedom

Our Mission

Our mission with Landfix is to create a level playing field for everyone to have access to real estate opportunities, invest and earn returns in Real Estate without acquiring physical property.

Landfix Investment Packages & Incentives

Landfix Investment
Landfix Investment Portfolio Incentives

Landfix Investment ROI Chart

Frequently Asked Questions For Landfix

Who is the driver of Landfix Investment?

This project is by SWITCHLANES Investment Limited (RC:1262005), we are fast growing real estate company with properties in Ibeju-Lekki and Epe. Our company is duly registered with 2 branches in Lagos-Nigeria.

What is the minimum amount I can invest?

The minimum investment per slot is ₦1,000,000.00

What is the minimum an d maximum number of slots I can subscribe for?

The minimum subscription is 1 slot. However, there is no limit to how many you can subscribe for.

Where does Switchlanes investment Ltd apply the investment fund?

Our team of real estate professionals will use the funds to research on lands that will appreciate quickly and use the funds to purchase and develop them into both commercial and residential properties to sell or lease them and share profits with our investors.

What is the tenure of the investment?

Our investment is a tenured investment that varies from Six months to 24months depending on the type and level.

How to Change my Photo from Admin Dashboard?

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast

How do I receive my returns and/or capital upon maturity?

Your LandFix wallet account will be credited with the principal and interest on the day of maturity, investors can withdraw their funds and transfer to their respective bank accounts.

Can I liquidate my investment before maturity?

Yes, you can. Note however that premature liquidation of your investment attracts a management fee of 20% of the invested sum and you also lose the accrued return on investment.

Can I re-invest my investment after maturity?

Yes you can, contact us to rollover your investments

How safe is my investment?

This project is managed by very experienced team of finance and real estate professionals. In addition, all investment portfolios are insured by our Company's insurance partner.

How do I get updates from you?

Consistent updates will be made available on your account on the website, and/or via mails, SMS and other Digital Media channels.

I am concerned about my data, how secure is my payment information?

All payments are secured with end-to-end encryption. You can confidently make payments with your card. Online payments are processed by a PCIDSS – compliant payment processor, Paystack.